Mag. Dr. Christian Lackner
Born: 1959 in Klagenfurt
1978: Matura at Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Klagenfurt.
1975-76: Redlands High School, USA, Diploma.
1979-85: Study of music at the Musikkonservatorium Vienna, main instrument French Horn.
1978-86: Studies of Philosophy, Psychology and Group Dynamics at the Universities Vienna and Klagenfurt with Peter Heintel.
1986-87: Junior consultant at CATRO-Management Services Vienna;
1987-91: Researcher at the Interuniversitäres Institut für Forschung und Fortbildung (IFF), department for Social Ecology in Vienna with Marina Fischer-Kowalski.
Since 1990: Trainer and Consultant of the Austrian Association for Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting (OEGGO).
Since 1985: Member of the “International Psychohistory Association” New York
Since 1987: Trainer, Researcher and Consultant for public and private organizations.
Since 1989: Lector at the University of Klagenfurt, Danube University Krems, Kassel University and at the IFF in various fields.
Since 1990: Member of the Board of the “Association for the Deceleration of Time”.
1997-2009: Senior Consultant at “Organization Development International”, London.
Since 2005: European Chairman of the International Psychohistory Association (IPA), NYC.
Since 2008: Concept and realization of the Center for Social Competence and Organizational Learning at the Klagenfurt University, Department for Organizational Development and Group Dynamics.
Numerous publications in the fields of: Time and Organization, Cooperation and Gender, Social Ecology, Conflict Management, Mediation, Intercultural Communication, Leadership Skills, Project Management as a Social System, Theory of Consulting, Philosophy and Psychohistory (German Translator of Lloyd deMause, The Emotional Life of Nations, Das emotionale Leben der Nationen, Drava 2005). Designer of various academic programs for private and public entities. Key-note speaker at numerous congresses. Conceptualization and realization of research-projects in multidimensional qualitative empirical studies.
Mail: POB 57
A-9021 Klagenfurt
Cellph: +43-664-131 4858